Courtesy of Warner Bros.
The idea of being stuck in a romantic comedy is a nightmare Rebel Wilson’s Natalie, an architect working her way up the promotional food chain - is forced to deal with in the fun and bright “Isn’t It Romantic.” In the film, Natalie takes a big clunk on the head and wakes up in a cliché ridden romantic comedy stuffed with vibrant colors, dashing billionaires (Liam Hemsworth) who want to wine and dine her, and the token gay best friend (Brandon Scott Jones) who shows up at unexpected moments to provide valuable advice (because he doesn’t have a job). Natalie can’t even drop the F-bomb without it being bleeped because, well, the movie she’s stuck in is PG13. Director Todd Strauss-Schulson manages to spoof the romantic genre world in a way that’s not excessive while keeping things light and smart. The film never detours into the dark and obscure, it runs a breezy 89 minutes, and even the importou musical numbers the entire ensembled bursts into are welcomed (“How did they know the choreography?” Wilson’s character hilariously mutters). Every nuance, twist, and cliché of the genre is up for grabs and Wilson sells most of the material on her own sensibilities Co-starring the usually funny Adam Devine (who is constantly paired with Wilson) “Isn’t It Romantic” seems to gels on its own antics and nothing else. It’s silly, a bit obnoxious, and works for those who consider romantic comedies a shameful guilty pleasure. Grade: B