Courtesy of Summit/Lionsgate
Nothing really matters in Patrick Hughes action/comedy “The Hitman’s Bodyguard” which pits A-listers, Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L Jackson against each other in this textbook example of what a cliche buddy cop film can be. Reynolds is a formal triple A rated bodyguard and Jackson is a notorious hitman with over 250 kills on his resume. Reynolds is tapped to protect Jackson - who has to testify against a Russian warlord played very unapologetically by the timeless Gary Oldman (he almost makes the part work) - for terrible crimes he’s committed against his own citizens. “Bodyguard” follows all the troupes necessary to be as unoriginal as possible, we’ve seen this movie a dozen times before, but they never had Reynolds and Jackson’s delivery and energy. Despite Oldman and Salma Hayek (who plays Jackson’s wife) never having anything to do other than stand by and watch the action, at least the pulpy R rated carnage is there to save the day. Reynolds uses that motor mouth which has made him a star and if I had a dime for every time Jackson drops the coveted “Mother F#@#@” let’s just that I’d be a rich man. For the better half of this mindless romp I was able to let loose and just be free, and in return I was entertained. You can have that experience too if you just embrace the madness rather than fight it. B+